I am Walter and this is my World.

I am Walter and this is my World.

Friday, July 24, 2009

We Can Rebuild Him...

Walter made it through surgery with flying colors! The surgeon called Walter "one tough little cookie." He decided to use a super-big screw in Walters leg this time, as the last one, the typical one used for pugs, didn't' hold, all the bones slipped out (yuck, twisting in my seat, ouchie....) he hopes THIS one, the "tough Cookie" size does hold.
it WILL!

The screw will hold!
The screw will hold!

That said, we have a loooooooong road ahead of us with physical therapy and whether or not he walks again, well who cares as long as they're making dog wheelchairs with flames on the side?

The important thing is he survived. He lived.

Oddly, our neighbors had an estate sale today, they both moved to assisted living and have no need for...well anything anymore. nice clothing, memory foam mattresses, sculptures, designer couches, China, silver tea services, every stick of furniture, its all for sale. I wandered thru while waiting for vet to call and I was struck with a) how nice all their belongings were, and b) how absolutely none of it mattered in the end.

Nothing in our lives matters - unless it has a beating heart. The rest is landfill.

Love to you all.



After Walter's surgery, when the bone was corrected, the vet tech said he POOPED THREE DAYS WORTH OF POOP!!!!


What kind of cocktail does one serve at a poop party? oh boy. Forget I asked. Champagne!


Harry Pugalicious said...

So happy to hear he made it through. I didn't want to leave work without reading an update.

Thanks too for the insight - you are absolutely right. Going to spend a little time with friends and then spending the evening hugging the pug and Midi T. Kitty

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Thanks for this message. We are so glad Walter's surgery went well, and we're sending more huggies and kisses to you both.

Archie and Melissa said...

oh i am crying happy tears...

what a beautiful post. yay for walter the tough cookie! you are both our heros!

all of our love!
m & e

Unknown said...

Go bionic Super Walter! No puny little hardware for this manly man -- only the most rugged for our tough guy. Get well soon Wally, the farm critters are all waiting for you!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you for the update on our brave litttle cookie!
YES , the screw will hold.
We believe in miracles.
And even so- those wheelchairs work miracles. Just aske me,- Ill tell ya.
But Walter will be just fine- we are EXPECTING A MIRACLE.
Love to you- Walter and family.
Sending prayers and thoughts as always

Nettie said...

My day has been made! I love you walter!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

We are super happy for you and for Walter! We totally can see the wheel chair with bright orange flames on each side lol! Take Care!

Stubby said...

You go Walter! I knew you were one tough cookie and the doctors just confirmed it. You just needed a big screw because you have such a big heart.

Nothing really does matter except puggies. I tell Mom that all the time and most of the time she agrees with me. She has all she needs as long as she has me.

Keeping you in my thoughts, dreams, and prayers. Relax and chill out for a while. Stay pain free little buddy.

Stubby xoxo

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Yayyy Wally! We were waiting for an update the whole day! I have a question, it may be a little embarassing... but, did you poop already?
Please snuggle tight with your blankie tonight and rest as much as possible!

Unknown said...


After Walter's surgery, when the bone was corrected, the vet tech said he POOPED THREE DAYS WORTH OF POOP!!!!


What kind of cocktail does one serve at a poop party? oh boy. Forget I asked. Champagne!

Becky said...

So glad Walter's surgery went well and that the big screw does the trick! Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots fo get well wishes. Dropped from Coco's blog.

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Puggy beer to celebrate!!!

Asta said...

I am lifting a glass of bubbly in celebwation fow Waltew's poop! and fow his successful suwgewy! The scwew will hold!

You awe so vewy wight. it's impawtant to wemembew that youw loved ones awe all that weally mattew
smoochie kisses

Punchbugpug said...

Glad to see your update for Walter. You are so, so, right. In the end, the stuff just doesn't matter! It's the beating heart for sure!

I'm trying to visualize a poop cocktail...hmmmmm

BRUTUS said...

Good to hear that everything is back in alignment & that Walter came through with flying colors! Nothing like a good poop party, I always say... LOVE the Darth Vader costume (I always think Brutus looks like DV from a profile view, so it would be perfect for him), and what an appropriate comment for the post title!

Snorts & prayers-
Brutus the Frenchie

Pugs and Kneedles said...

YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Congratulations Walter. We're so happy to hear that you came through surgery with flying colors AND YOU POOPED. Best news ever! Heal fast little buddy. We are all thinking about you and your mommy and sending you lots of healing thoughts.

Otis Says... said...

Great news about Walter! I am certain he felt better after the poop too. I am certain the little man is on the road to recovery and more great things!

Mica said...

Yay! That's great news!!! I checked your blog first thing this morning to see how Walter was doing. I'm very happy for both of you!

Dandy Duke said...

We're so happy to hear this news, Walter! More AireZen is on it's way to you! You'll be walking in no time at all!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

That is Great News!! Not only that he came through the surgery, but that he pooped. I believe in miracles and believe that he will walk again.

Salinger The Pug said...

YAAYYYYYY!!!! This is GREAT news and my whole family (dad, mom, brother) are cheering for you here in Indy (they were so loud you could probably HEAR them!)

We're adding you to our blogroll so we can keep up with all your good news!

Lots of love,

dw said...

This is great news, and I'll continue to send up prayers for Walter's recovery! I had checked in on my phone to see if there were updates last night, but was unable to post a comment (not exactly the most high-tech phone here). So I wanted to come by first thing this morning to offer my support and encouragement for more pooping and a complete puggy recovery -- miracles happen every day, and you are one of them, Walter, to touch so many people! (look at how many responses you have!)

Joe Stains said...

HOORAY for POOP!!!!!!!! We are so happy for you and Walter!!

Pug Posse said...

That is the best news ever!!! You were on our minds all day yesterday (couldn't check the blogs though) and we knew with all the positive thoughts from all the blogger buddies and on FB (we spread the word there for prayers too), that Walter would do great!

We will be lifting our glasses tonight for Walter's speedy recovery!

Pug hugs and kisses!
Vikki and the Pug Posse

Hank said...

Hot diggity, Heather, honey!!!

This here's Hank in Indy. I been followin' the little guy's story with the rest o' the Indy Bloggers.

I tell ya what....I haven't been this happy since Mark Martin won the Winston Cup! Yep. Mmhmm.

Susan said...

Yeah for Walter! So glads to hear the good news!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am back! It is Saturday- I am checking to see how Walter is today.
I just got done praying more!
Sending love to Walter

Mia said...

We are so glad to hear the surgery went well. We are all praying for the triumphant return of Walter the Pug!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Champange is the appropriate beverage for a poop! I have just read all the posts up to this point and all I can say is you and Walter are in my pawyers! We just went through some tough surgery so I can realte to the poop thing, but nothing compared to this little guy!