I love this picture of wally, because yes he's at therapy...but what else do we spy on those black lips? Crumbly cookie treats of course! Nummersons!
Sorry I've been missing-in-action lately. NO lack of love - it's just My third novel, Million Little Mistakes is due on January 28th...hence my woeful absence from the blogs. It's scary when your book is for sale...and it's not even fully written yet!! It's another choose-you-own-story type book. In it, you win twenty-two million dollars and you can do anything you want with the money. Give it away, gamble it, buy gold-plated toilets...and I put a special ending in it just for US PUG PEOPLE! Yes, there is a special ending where you start a dog sanctuary. My idea of heaven. If anyone wants to preorder the book, of course we are most grateful and as you know, all our pennies go to Wally's foot.
Mostly today I wanted everyone to know we love you so SO much and we are more grateful for your love and support than you can imagine. Thank you to Lise in British Columbia for the wonderful dog treats!! We are overwhelmed by everyone's love. I did not get to make Christmas Cards this year...but we will put up a special Holiday Post.
-"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." -- The Buddha