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This is a blog about Walter the Pug. He was hit by a car on July 10th, 2009 but miraculously survived! He's still in therapy and wears little shoe to walk, but he loves life and everyone with wild abandon. I'm serious. He's dragged me up to homeless people and Republicans with equal excitement. He does not discriminate against race, gender or social class. Anyone can be the target of Wally's kisses and goggle-eyed freaky love... Especially you!
Well, all I had to see was the title of that post and I was already all emotional!
There was certainly a time when we weren't sure he'd see this birthday. SO THANKFUL for his continued recovery and the amazing people, including you Heather, who have contributed to his healing!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WALTER!!! Here's to many, many more birthdays!!!!
Pearl & Momma
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Wally!!!
We're sending you lots more nerve ding dongs and some kisses for your sore little foot!
We're so excited to meet you on your grand world tour this summer and hope that you continue to do great things!
It is certainly a special day for Mr. Walter the Miracle Pug.
Happy Birthday little man. And may this be the beginning of many many more special birthdays for you! The puggie guardian angels had a bigger plan for you and we're all glad you're still with us.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Happy Birthday Walter!!! We love you!!!
Happy Birthday Walter!!!! We are all wishing you the best! :-)
Happy Birthday Walter!! You are indeed a very special little puggie, and you've got a very special mom who will go to the ends of the earth for you! I hope your day is very special and I'll be sending very very special birthday nerve growing vibes your way by special delivery!! Happy Birthday, birthday boy!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Wally
Happy Birthday to you
And many mooooorrrrreeee
Roxy & Lucky
Happy Birthday Wally!! I hope you get lots of wonderful presents!! :)
Happy Birthday, Dooode! We are so glad we met you through your blog. Let's be safe this year, OK??
Hope you get lots 'o loot on your special day,
Gen & the Foo
Happy Birthday Wally!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday Wally!! I bet you having a grand celebration - what a year!! We do love your tie (looks like Burberry) - great taste there, buddy!! Bet you wished for some more nerves in your footie when you blew out the candles on your cake!
Sending lots of love & Frenchie Kisses for your special day-
Michelle & Brutus
Well look at you handsome man!
Happy Birthday today!
What a blessing it is to all that he got to be THREE!
Happy Birthday, Wally! Any birthday is exciting but yours is extra-super-duper special! We's looking forward to the next 3 Walter birthdays and the 3 after that and 3 after that and ... well, you gets the idea!
We wants Wally in this world for a long, long time!
Great tie too, dude!
Happy Birthday Wally!! Percy & Bella are sending sloppy Pug kisses and happy nerve thoughts your way!
oh you guys make me so emotional. I'm all boo-hooing in a good way.
Happy Big 3 birthday Walter! We are happy that you made it to this day also, celebrate all week you earned it!
Happy birthday, Wally!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a big gooey treat from your mommy
and hope this year is bright and happy for the two of you.
Happy Birhtday Walter- remember I told you a miracle could happen?
With you it happens everyday!
Happy Birthday and many more!
Happy Birthday Big Guy! You are three now so you know what that means? You're a big boy now!
I'm inspired every day by your recovery. I always say to myself "If Wally can get up and move around after all he's been through then I should be able to as well." A little old arthritis won't keep me down as long as I have you to look up to.
I can't wait to meet you, pug to pug, on your way down to Florida. Don't tell my mom but I might just hitch a ride with you.
Stubby xoxo
Happy Birthday Wally!
Ever grateful you tackled that ugly incident in your life and made it to your birthday. How many pugs can say they beat the odds against an SUV. I think we are celebrating more than just a 3rd birthday here.
Woo Hoo way to go big guy. Here is to many more birthdays!
Winston and Lise
Happy Birhtday Wally! We all love your adorable tie and your smiley face. Keep on truckin'!
My momma and I are still blushing after reading your incredibly kind words on our blog.
We had no idea that we had been so encouraging to you- and we wonder if you know how encouraging you are to us!?
THANK YOU for taking the time to stop by and offer your kindness. Momma is already feeling SO MUCH better! She promises not to let stupid issues weigh on her for much longer.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Happy Birthday Wally!! We just know that this year is going to be great for you :)
We are so thankful that you are here to celebrate your Birthday!!!!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Happy, Happy, Birthdaz Walter!
Oh Wally.. you are such a brave puggy !!!! And as Tweedles said... miracles happen!
Happy B-Day to you!!!!
Cioco- The PUG
Happy Birthday!!!
pug love,
Happy Belated Birthday, Wally! I know you had the bestest day ever cause mama loves you so much. And we do too! Have a fun filled weekend!!
Have a happy happy birthday walter! We are so glad to see you are doing so well! You are always in our puggie prayers and thoughts! You are one tough little cookie!
happy belated barkday walter you truely are amazing!!
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