I am Walter and this is my World.

I am Walter and this is my World.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Anakin!

It's Anakin's birthday, and the poor baby has been going through a hard time lately. He had a surgery that's been difficult and we want him to know how much we love him!!!


Mia said...

Anakin has been such a good boy through all of this. We are all pulling for him to get better soon!!


Jess & Lilo

Kelly said...

You are so sweet to take a break and send good wishes to Anakin Man!

Hope you guys are living it up and enjoying your travels!!!!!


Bubba T Pug said...

Happy Birthday lil Man! Hope it was a good one -- Love the hat!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh boys!! I's recognize 'dat guys!
'Dats me's!! Oh tank you Heather and Walter for the nice wishes and wonderful bloggy post prezzie yous did for me's. 'Dat was so sweets!

Mommy and I's have been following your bloggy since we's started and Michele (Stubby's Mommy) told us all 'bout Walter's story. We archived it and what a kind and caring Mommy yousa ares to take cares of your baby!!
Walter is a good boy and I's glad I's his new friend!
I's always wanted his hats, and when we's started to read your bloggy I's told Mommy I just hads to have my Walter Whirly Caps!!
Tanks for making me smiles!!
Ups....Hold ons....Mommy wants to says some'ums too's.... xoxo Anakin

Dearest Heather,
Dearest Walter~

Thank You so much for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time and thank you kindly for such a thoughful post for my dear boy Anakin.
Big Hugs,

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are all keeping our paws in a circle around Anakin as he gets better

Wilma said...

How nice of you to give a special mention to our friend Anakin. He has been through so much. I know he appreciates the love!

Jennifer Sneed said...

send him our love and birthday wishes!!!

jen and maxwell

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Hope you are doing well Anakin!!!