Monday, May 10, 2010
Home Again

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This is a blog about Walter the Pug. He was hit by a car on July 10th, 2009 but miraculously survived! He's still in therapy and wears little shoe to walk, but he loves life and everyone with wild abandon. I'm serious. He's dragged me up to homeless people and Republicans with equal excitement. He does not discriminate against race, gender or social class. Anyone can be the target of Wally's kisses and goggle-eyed freaky love... Especially you!
Great news! Hope you had a nice homecoming, and Wooooohooooo about Wally's 10 steps!! I bet you'd started to think you had imagined it when he took a few steps months ago, but now you know it was no dream or accident. Keep it up little guy!
Michelle & Brutus
YEAH!!!!!! Go Walter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you both made it home in one piece!! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures!!! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
Jess & Lilo
Wally love,
I am craaazy about that picture of you! Looking off into the distance. So sweet and thoughtful.
CONGRATS on your ten steps! You just never stop proving people wrong, do ya sweet boy?!
I am glad that you and your momma enjoyed Florida, and also glad that you are back home. Time to settle in for the summer.
I bet it is nice to be home! And yay Walter!! :)
Hello Heather and Walter!!
Oh Walter!! That is such great news!! Wow!! Ten steps!! That is fantastic!! Sounds like you are doing Wonderfully!!
My Grandma, (Daddy's mom) is in MN right now visiting my Daddy's sister. (my Auntie Christine) She just had a baby. They live out there and love it. Glad you are back in a place you love!!
Oh, we have been searching and searching for a propeller hat just like yours for the longer time for our brother Anakin!! His b-day is coming up and he always wanted one!! When he saw yours that was it!! He really wanted that little hat!! Mommy finally found one and it's on the way!! Anakin will be so suprised!!
Thought that might make you two smile!!
Big Hugs!!
Josie & Izzy (Anakin says hi too, but doesn't know 'bouts his hat) ; )
Hi Heather & Walter! I can't believe you guys are back in Minnesota already. It seems like just yesterday that you left.
I'm so excited that Walter took ten more steps without his shoe. He's really making progress and soon he'll be running!
Stubby xoxo
Welcome home! Are you all staying there for the summer? We are glad to hear Walter took more steps too!!!
Yay!! Go Wally!!
Glad you and Wally made it home safely.
Wally looks very content in that photo :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Woo Hoo! Fine job, Wally. Keep up the good work and welcome home!
Roxy & Lucky
So is this where you are going to be living back in Minnesota? Was it just a short trip to try out Florida? Anywho we are glad you are back in the cooler weather and that you had a safe trip home. Hooray for those new steps he has taken! Florida is tough on pugs!
Awesomes our pawsome buddies. Our mama wears a boot but hers was from a brief accident...unlike Walters. Continued Success Walter!
-The Slimmer Pugs
(Muchas kissums and pug hugs)
We are super excited about the news of the foot. Before you know it 10 steps will become 20 and happen more often. Glad to hear you both made it back to MN ok. Yes I would think that it is starting to get very warm in Florida, summer is just around the corner.
Yay for walter! What a cutie pie.
Hi Walter, great news! So psyched about your steps. Glad you made it home safe and sound too!
hi heather and walter!
welcome home!
we cannot wait to get all caught up on your adventures!
congratulations on wally's steps!
he is our hero!
we love that photo of you two!
m & e
awesome Walter!!! so are you guys staying in MN or are you going back to the Keys? I'm so happy for Wally.
sending you tons of love
jennifer and maxwell
Hi Walter
Welcome home.
I am sooo happy to hear from you and know that you are getting better and better.
You are looking so handsome
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