Today is the the TWO MONTH anniversary of Walter's accident. On July 10th he dashed out of the house and into the street and was hit by a Lexus SUV, the entire lower half of his body got crushed under the wheels - It all happened in about 15 seconds, the longest 15 seconds of my life. I rushed him to the emergency room where I was told that because of his extensive internal injuries and severe state of shock, he would not live through the night.
But this little guy fought and hour by hour he improved just the littlest bit. I would not leave the emergency room not even after they said I should, even after friends and family came. I stayed and wept in the waiting room barefoot because there hadn't been time to put on shoes.
I told the doctor, that she had to save him. That my life did not make sense without him. I told her to go back in there because he was going to make it. He had to or I wouldn't. I fought, she fought and most of all, little Walter fought and he survived.

He spent an entire week in critical care and finally came home drugged up and in terrible pain.I wept every day thinking this marvelous animal was taken down so young and I was powerless to help. I had horrible flashbacks, the sound of him getting hit would flash in my head, the picture of him laying bloody on the road replaying over and over until I thought I'd lose my mind.
Then I asked you all for your prayers, and they came. Not just a few, thousands. Thousands of people prayed for him, sent good wishes, emailed kind words, sent healing blankets and big boxes of gifts. People sent checks. 5-yr-old twins drew him pictures and hoped he came home soon from "the Vegetarians."
You all bought copies of my books, which boosted sales and we were lifted, supported and propped up by strangers.
My family rallied and set up a nursery for walter just like you would for a newborn. They sacrificed time, money, and countless backbreaking hours, especially in those beginning days when he needed round-the-clock-care. He had no control of his bladder and couldn't sit up. We fed him water with an eyedropper, changed urine-soaked bedding every half hour, slept in shifts so he got his pain meds on time no matter what. Mom helping me was the reason he made it out of that horrible, dark, critical time when the doctors had done what they could do and we hovered over his crushed, broken body to see if he'd make it.

He still didn't sit up. He howled in pain if we shifted him the wrong way. It was my mother that insisted a second set of Xrays be taken and sent to the orthopedic surgeon because something "just wasn't right." It turned out that hunch of hers is what led to the second surgery. Three days later he got up and walked. Not far, not easily, much like a newborn deer unable to steer his body, but he WALKED.
Then he was unstoppable. We had to build a pen like you would for a foal just to keep him from charging around the house on his still-healing legs. We started physical therapy and landed at a clinic with dedicated, clever people and walter worked harder than ever to show off.

Now, a mere 8 weeks from the accident,we are somewhere I never expected to arrive. There is still a long road ahead of us and we don't know where it leads. He walks, but his rear foot still drags and it is unknown if it will heal. If it does, it will take a long time and alot of clinic visits and a lot of homework and hardest of all alot of patience and endurance on my part to stay the course.
That's why I wanted to thank all of you. Everyone. My loved ones, my friends, and all of you who have followed our story. You are part of why he is alive and I will never be able to thank you but I will promise you this. I will stay with Walter's recovery no matter what. I will see this through regardless of cost, pressure or fatigue. I will not give up, I will never give up and your love combined with Walter's indomitable spirit, is the reason why. Blessings to you and thank you for saving us.