Updated: Home from Water World...
We went to physical therapy, and carting walter around in Laundry tubs just isn't cutting it anymore, so we had to get some serious hardware for the car.

In the tank he went, sans pamper, and he was much less weirded out this time, as was I. He went for 5 straight minutes, walking on a treadmill against a current.

Then it was spa time, when they turn the jets on and Walter sort of floats in place. He really likes this part, now that he's getting used to the loud clanking noises.

Also, after the water tank, Wally got his stitches out! The nurse was sooo good. It was one long thread, looped through his skin twenty-five times and I held walter as she patiently worked the entire thread out without cutting it. Think about that a minute...backing a stitch out 25 times without cutting it? I was amazed and grateful. We got another lesson on the physio peanut ball, and they gently (really gently) bounced walter on a trampoline, which is meant to help build back the severed nerves in his ankles so he can walk again. Best news? The vet said he looked better. THERE IS IMPROVEMENT. I want to do the "Improvement Dance" shuffle-shuffle-kick! shuffle-shuffle-kick!
Today when I had "the flashback" (the flashback of him getting hit by the car) I literally held my hand up and said, "NO!" out loud. Then I out loud listed all your names, mom, Meesh, harry Pugalicious, Pearl, Tweedles, Indy Bloggers etc...etc... until the flashback backed off and left me alone. I just have to drown out the bad thing with the good things...and there are many, many more good things (people) than bad.
Harry Pugalicious & Heather sent walter a Big Pig lookalike! WHAT? (if you read way back to the first blog posts, you'll find Big Pig was walters first love, until he destroyed the poor thing in a fit of "agressive pug love." ) and Walter has it tucked beside him now as he's sleeping. Thank you Heather and Harry! He loves the treats too! (He looks a little forlorn in this photo because I had just put my shoes on, and shoes are very bad to wally, they mean momma is going OUT, and that is not cool. After I ran out to the car, took them off again, he was oh yessssssss. Big Pig!)

Hero Alert **Bob Thompson is letting us use his AC!***
Also, to all of you who have been
buying books, thank you so much. it continues to help us pay medical bills. Too those of you who have sent checks, we send you the sloppiest pug kisses aver, and to all of you who hit the donate button the day I had it up, we just ran into a little snag with Pay pal. The donations are there waiting for us, but they say we have to prove we're non-profit, not pirates etc...so I took the button down until we get ourselves sorted out. Rest assured your donations are (very!) safe, and we will work it out and let you know when we do.
Until then, if you want to send Walter anything at all to aid in his recovery, just email me at relativematter at yahoo and I will send you a good old-fashion snail mail address. We're sort of snail mail people. Not too fancy, just all pug.
thank you for your love and kindness, it is what we are all using to get through this very, very, very long ordeal. I re-read your posts all the time when I'm feeling low, and even quote them to Walter when he seems down.