Walter's stitches look yucky, but actually they're doing very good. This is his second surgery on this side, the incision is much bigger, buy they used sutures instead of staples, which I think are more comfortable for him.
Also, his poor little balls had gotten run over and were very BIG and swollen before. We iced them continually (1o mins on 15 mins off) until they became regular size. I never knew I would be a pug ball-icing expert, but I am and even developed a sort of ball-icing device from a balloon and a bag of frozen peas. The vet says the swelling is down and the abrasions are all better there.
I wonder how long his coat will take to grow in? One thing is for sure, we cannot spend the winter in Minnesota. we have to move for the winter. All the hardware in his leg, plus limited (if we're lucky!) movement plus NO HAIR does not work with icy streets. so - any warm pug communities out there?
I think youw incision looks vewy good ackshually. Nice and clean and healing like it should. I'm so happy you'we making such gweat pwogwess and that youw Mom is so wondewful about making suwe you get the bestest cawe.
I think youw haiw will gwow in pwetty fast. Cewtainly by wintew, and at the moment it looks like a cool fashion statement
smoochie kisses
We are warm! Virginia Beach is always warm, maybe a little too warm in the summers!
Walter's incision looks just as it should, clean and no redness around the stitches. He still has those wonderful expressions that I have grown to love via your blog! Pugs really are the best! His hair will grow back and you can always buy outerwear for him to keep him warm during winter! Wouldn't want to lose you two to Virginia Beach, although I agree, it is always warm. (used to live in Norfolk)
Mops, Maddie and their mom, Peg
Still thinking of you Walter....Sending Pug Hugs and Sloppy licks!
My aunt and uncle come down every winter to Florida from Minnesota. It is very sunny and on the warm side, doesn't get too too cold unless we have a freeze which isn't too often. Come on down to central Florida! I think Walter looks good for all he's been though!
Norman, Oklahoma is Pug Country! And its warm!! 102 here today!
I think you and Walter would both be very happy in Hawaii! Not too hot, always a breeze, and the temps stay the same all year long (highs 80-83). Besides, I'd say you both need a little spot of paradise after all you've been through!
I think sutures always look better then satples any day of the week! That is a sad face Walter has, the poor baby.
Oh no! his poor little marbles, did they burst?
I would say come visit us in Vancouver, BC but that is a long ways to travel. Plus last year we had a ton of snow although the coldest it ended was -10 degrees C. Maybe Arizona? Dry and warm?
I actually think his face is saying "I am dealing with things just fine, thank you!" He is so adorable, and I think he knows it's gonna take some time. I am sad you may leave Minnesota, but hoping you return. Arizona would be a nice place to spend the winter! I did that once, and Walter would probably love it there. I also think your next book should be about this journey. If you read "Dewey" , that was a wonderful book! And it was on the best seller list for a long time. Just a simple story about an extraordinary cat. Well, Walter is an extraordinary dog...so I think it makes sense!!
Indiana is still pretty cold in the winter, so I think it can be ruled out. Walter's incision looks like it is healing well.
We're sending you kisses for your incision! We would send you kisses for your "jewels" too...but that would probably be weird.
We hope the good news keeps coming and make sure you give your mommy lots of kisses for taking such good care of you!
Walter - you look fabulous! I hope your um private parts get better too. I don't have mine, but I've heard that when they get hurt they are very sore - yikes!
I vote for you to spend your winters in Hawaii. Mom loves it there and wants to live there year round. I have never been there but I think I'd love it.
Stubby xoxo
Walter, you are looking great! We are so glad you're healing. We would love for you to move to Indiana, but the winters aren't very warm.
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Walter's incision will be healed before you know it! Not sure how long the hair takes to grow back. Marty's seemed to come back pretty quick. He doesn't bother it? or try to?
You sure don't want to come to NY for the Winter....no better here than where you are now!
"ball expert"? wow, you never know when that will come in handy!
Hi Heather and Walter
Thank you for being so faithful in keeping all of us who love Walter updated. Walters eyes look very sparking and brite!
We know from experience that all of a sudden the hail grows back. We had a pug that had back surgery and all of a sudden- wammo nice hair.
We are CONTINUING with our prayers, EXPECT A MIRACLE. It is happening
tweedles and moms
Thank you everyone, I love reading these posts to walter. He loves the idea of Hawaii! Can you imagine?
Sweet, sweet Walter!! We are so happy that you are doing better. We can't wait for your mommy to post pics of you running and playing again!!!
Walters incison looks great. All that fur will take a couple months to grow back, and Califonia is very Pug friendly!
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